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PCB Critiques

Associate III

Hello, I am creating 2 pcbs, one for controlling 6 stepper motor drive boards, and one for controlling 8 servos. Both have an STM32 and CAN communication. It would be great if you could critique my designs and tell me where I could improve so they have the maximum chance of working

Zoomed Out stepperZoomed Out stepper



zoomed in Stepperzoomed in StepperServoServo







Thanks so Much!!

Lead III

There are many things where poor layout could make the design a failure.

  • When switching high-current and particularly inductive loads (such as stepper motors), what path the current takes, and how you contain the turn-off spike.
  • How far spiky current-use (including the microcontroller itself) is from the voltage-regulation and power-supply-decoupling.
  • How tight any crystal oscillator loops are, and how well-isolated they are from interference.
  • How good your separation is between anything analog and noisy digital signals (including the microcontroller itself).
  • How you isolate noisy off-pcb signalling such as CAN from the microcontroller.

But without access to the schematic, it's largely guesswork. What is your chosen stm32? Help us to help you by posting both schematics, including component-values and capacitor-dielectric choices.

Associate III

using stm32l476rg. 

Decoupling Capacitors are ceramic, the capacitors for the driver boards are electrolytic (as stated in the datasheet). Driver board is mp6500.

Can transceiver is MCP6500,  

Power and CAN are both delivered to the board using a DB9 Connector. the 3.3V input is connected to a 10uF cap near its entry point onto the board, The can lines are connected to the transceiver, which then connect to the MCU

stepper schematicstepper schematicheaders for driver boardheaders for driver boardservo schematicservo schematicheaders to connect servosheaders to connect servospower controlpower control
Lead III

Two things are clear that I don't like:

Different pin-outs for your SWD1 connectors. That's just asking for trouble. (I tend to use the TC2030 as it means I don't have to mount anything on my pcb and there is an "official" pinout I can stick to. Those connector are expensive so maybe a hobbyist can't justify them.)

Your pnp transistors Q1 to Q8: The emitters claim to be at +5V but the stm32 output will only swing to Vdd i.e. 3.3V. So the transistors will never properly be turned off. (You might get away with it by driving them open-drain, but in the absence of any resistor between base and emitter turn-off could be slow).

Associate III

Thank you so much for the reply, I realized that the transistor thing may be an issue and have been looking into ways to rework the design. Apart from that, what are your thoughts on how the PCB is laid out? Decoupling Capacitors, Clock placement, PWM signals, etc? Im fairly new at this and am designing it for a club, so I havent really had the chance to progressively work my way up to complex PCBs so any advice would be a huge help. 
