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Forum Posts

USART Issue with STM32F100RB

I want to do serial communication between my PC and STM32F100RB.the connection is as follows.[STM32F100RB] -----[USBtoSERIAL transfer Module] --------------[PC] PB10(Rx) <----------> TXD           USB <----------> USB PB11(Tx) <----------> RXD​Curren...

Myasu.1 by Senior
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STM32H7 Dual Core shared memory access

Hello!i am currently working with the dual core H7 trying to create some kind of communication systems between the cores. i have read and tried to implement what was suggested in the following thread: Best/easiest way to share data between cores in S...

yuri CH by Senior
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Enable/Disable interrupt in sleep mode

Hi all,I work with STM32F413 and CMSIS os.I have a problem when I put the CPU in sleep mode by HAL_PWR_EnterSTOPMode.In the os_idle_demon I need to disable one external interrupt, do some job and enable again the interrupt and so on.My problem is tha...