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Forum Posts

stm32l432 does not measure ADC after sleep

hi i am trying to measure battery voltage with Vrefint channel. it works . when the microcontroller goes to sleep, after waking up, the battery measurements do not work.while (1) {HAL_ADC_Start(&hadc1); HAL_ADC_PollForConversion(&hadc1, 100);adc = HA...

dden0.1 by Associate
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how to use hal_nand_get ecc?

Hi.I can read and write from nand flash memory with fmc but when is use this function for a test code it mostly returns zero and i think its not ok.addr.Block=1; addr.Page=0;   HAL_NAND_ECC_Enable(&hnand1); HAL_NAND_Read_Page(&hnand1, &addr, aRxBuf...

Resolved! Do I need to install external crystal for STM32

I just got an STM32 Nucleo 64 - F411RE.The board has a crystal installed on the debugger, and a crystal oscillator on the board.Do I need to install an external crystal in the provided space X3? and how can I do so?It's my first time using STM32 I do...

OElso.1 by Associate
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Stm32G4 Massive Flash Problems

I´m currently working on an Application using the "new" G431 µC. At first i had massive Problems getting it to not crash (Several Hardfaults occuring here) randomly after ~100 instructions (not timing related...). After a while my good friend the rea...

TFasc.1 by Associate II
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Unable to debug and push programs to my STM32L432KC.

Hi. I have encountered problem during pushing program to my nucleo board. I use STM32L432KC and it doesn't work there. Therefore i have also borrow STM32L011K4 and it seems that there everything works well on this borad. I am completly beginner in ST...

MTyle.1 by Associate
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