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Forum Posts

STM32F407 hang and watchdog doesn't reset

Hi everybody,I'm sorry for poor English.I'm using STM32F407VET6 in my board and I set up watchdog timer. However sometimes microcontroller hangs . Here is the main loop of my code:while(TRUE) { // ====================================== ...

mh2 by Associate III
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How to use NAND flash ECC

Hi everyoneIm still dealing with nand flash and im at the ecc part now :).I found a very good topic in ST but i still had questions and that topic was closed.

I2C_SDA pin value setting

Good evening, I would need, for a project with a custom board that mounts a micro STM32H7A3... to be able to set the value of a pin to 0 or 1 during the code and not via MX cube for the initial settings which function could I use? I would like to poi...

Icont.1 by Associate II
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Resources for SPI connection to external flash memory

Hi,I would like to know if there are any resources for learning and understanding how to communicate (read/write/erase) from an external flash memory using SPI.I am using an STM32F446RE and my external flash memory is a w25q128.Ideally I would like t...

DCont.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32 CAN2 normal mode not working

Hello,I have problem in CAN2 STM32F4, that in mode Loopback working good, but when i change it to mode Normal not working (not transmission )Please do you have a solution for working in the mode Normal ?

MBRAH.1 by Associate
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STM32H7 - Sending CMD5 to eMMC card

Hi,I'm working with an STM32H7 connected though SDMM1 (1bit bus width) with an eMMC, I need to put the eMMC into sleep mode so we can reduce the power consumption when it is not being used.According to the information I've been able to find we need t...

CDiaz.2 by Associate II
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