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stm32h750vbt6 adc datasheet data testing .

hello ı use stm32h750vb , I'm trying to get the adc values ​​in the datasheet.Is the adc operated in continuous mode or in single mode when sampling rates are found.If I run it in continuous mode, I can access the values ​​in the datasheet. But this ...

0693W00000Hpb8RQAR.png 0693W00000Hpb8gQAB.png 0693W00000Hpb8qQAB.png

I'm trying to set up UART9, And use it by DMA1. But I think that UART9 CLK are not enableת because of I didn't get any DMA1 Interrupt.

/* UART9 init function */void MX_UART9_Init(void){ /* USER CODE BEGIN UART9_Init 0 */ /* USER CODE END UART9_Init 0 */ LL_USART_InitTypeDef UART_InitStruct = {0}; LL_GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct = {0}; LL_RCC_SetUSARTClockSource(LL_RCC_USART16_CL...

ESega.1 by Associate II
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ADC Conversion time for stm32h750vbt6 ?

Hello,I am trying to measure the adc cycle time with the help of an oscilloscope, what is the most precise and correct solution?, I would appreciate if you could help me what method should I follow to measure it.