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Forum Posts

STM32F4 TXE flag not activating

We have a very simple, blocking, UART transmit routine, which writes a byte and waits for TXE to become active. Every so often, and I mean something like 1 in 100,000 or more calls, it gets stuck at line 3 of the code pasted in below; TXE never becom...

STM32 lower power consumption

Hi everyone, I need the lowest possible current consumption for my project. I need to power my MCU with external supply. Currently I have a Nucleo F401RE, which is not so good for low power applications it seems. It's connected to a X-NUCLEO-NFC04A1 ...

How to configure the NSS with software

I have the problem that I don't get the NSS configured correctly on my SPI transmission. I should get according to reference Manuel a NSS signal that switches just before the first bit and just after the last bit. I send several different data one af...

MHeid.4 by Associate
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Resolved! Executing code from RAM problems

I'm developing application on stm32H7 and a need to execute small function from RAM. I add RamFunc derective, and describe in linker *(.RamFunc) in .data section. As a result, i certainly see, that function code moved to RAM address space. I compare ...

Iivan.1 by Associate II
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