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Forum Posts

Resolved! Executing code from RAM problems

I'm developing application on stm32H7 and a need to execute small function from RAM. I add RamFunc derective, and describe in linker *(.RamFunc) in .data section. As a result, i certainly see, that function code moved to RAM address space. I compare ...

Iivan.1 by Associate II
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Problem with Single Step STMF7

Posted on December 07, 2016 at 21:47 There is a problem with IDE debuggers for STMF7, and as I understand, all ARM M7 core based processors. With other CORTEX controllers, when a debbuger pauses or hits a breakpoint, the debugger stops interrupt pr...

Howto implement I2C slave clock stretch timeout.

Hi,I like to implement a I2C slave on a STM32G081 with using stm32cubeide.Basically, it is working.Sometimes, the system communication stuck while a transaction on the STM32 I2C slave is active.How can I implement a clock stretch timeout on slave sid...

MScho.15 by Associate
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How do I measure execution time and achieve determinism?

Hello to everyone. I would like to prepare some exercises where my students should quantitatively design a real-time application on a Nucleo F767ZI boards, but to do so they will need to determine and control the execution time of their code. I am as...

PB1 by Associate III
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Using LPUART to transmit byte wise: Space between Bytes

Hello,I have a STM32 L081KZT and want to use the LPUART to send an Array of bytes, byte wise. For that, I use HAL_UART_Transmit_IT to send the first Byte of the Array and HAL_UART_TxCpltCallback to recursively write the rest of the Array with HAL_UAR...

HRaup.1 by Associate II
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