I’ve been working with the STM32U575RIT6 and it’s ADF1 peripheral. I have a digital MEMS microphone connected to the ADF1 pins on the micro. I’ve been following the “ADF_AudioRecorder” example provided with the STM32Cube firmware. I can get the code ...
Posted on October 12, 2017 at 03:13 I have a custom circuit board with a STM32F407 part. Everything has worked fine with this board in past revisions, except on the most recent revision we increased the size of the output capacitor on the main regu...
Posted on May 23, 2017 at 07:46I have a custom board based on the STM32F407 device. The board is running well except for one nagging detail: the RTC loses one second each time I power the board on/offMy device uses a low frequency external crystal a...
Posted on July 27, 2016 at 06:18
Hi all,
I’ve been banging my head against an issue with FATFs and long file names. I’m writing a series of files to an SD card, and I’m composing the filenames from the date and time each file is created. The ...
Posted on January 22, 2016 at 22:09I recently upgrade CubeMX to version 4.12.0 and used it to generate code for a custom STM32F407VGT board. Everything seemed to work fine with previous versions, but not so much with the latest version. For example....
Hello,It's been almost a year since SShai.3 reported the issue of the missing ADF peripheral in the CubeMX LPBAM configurator. As of STM32CubeMX version 6.10.0, the ADF1 peripheral is still missing. Is there a limitation in the STM32U5 hardware that ...
Hi Firas,Thank you for the suggestion, but unfortunately I'm still having the same issue. I replaced all occurrences of ret = RCCEx_PLL3_Config(&(pPeriphClkInit->PLL3));with__HAL_RCC_PLLCLKOUT_ENABLE(RCC_PLL3CFGR_PLL3QEN);in the file "stm32u5xx_hal_r...
Hi F.Belaid, thank you for your help with this. As you suggested, I tried using PLL1P to clock the ADF1 peripheral and it works properly. I have not tried AUDIOCLK or HCLK yet, but so far PLL1P and MSIK clocks both work as expected. But PLL3Q still d...
I had this same problem. Luckily I found it pretty easy to port FatFS over the the STM32U5. Just create a a new project in CubeMX using a microcontroller that *does* support FatFS. In my case I created a project using the STM32L4R9ZG. Then I copied a...