What file defines ITM_RxBuffer?
I'm building my application which includes the CMSIS core_cm4.h file and get an `undefined reference to `ITM_RxBuffer'` message. What file actually defines this variable?
I'm building my application which includes the CMSIS core_cm4.h file and get an `undefined reference to `ITM_RxBuffer'` message. What file actually defines this variable?
If so, what are the reasons for the difference,If not, which phenomenon is normal? Please see picture, Thank you very much
what is the difference between these below currents– 84 μA/MHz run mode vs Run mode current of 9.45mA in the below table I always confused which current i have to consider while doing power calculations.like uA/MHZ when to consider and with out indic...
Hello.I'm going to purchase a round AMOLED display to be used with a STM32F469 Discovery board. This is my current candidate: PV13904PY24G. This display has a resolution of 454x454 pixels. TouchGFX says STM32F4 is usable for displays up to 450x450 pi...
Hello everyone, I currently have devices with a specific FW released on market. In this FW there is a structure saved in internal flash memory (with "const" and defined areas on linker file).In the new version I am working on, I need to expand an arr...
Board : NUCLEO-L476RGIDE : STM32CubeIDE 1.9.0Driver : STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.17.2Hello,Recently, I tested the firewall example using the NUCLEO-L476RG, and I have been experiencing strange behaviour since then.After testing the firewall example, the boar...
Hi,I am working with stm32H743II Board - which define SPI4 block as SPI Master according to the following:void MX_SPI4_Init(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN SPI4_Init 0 */ /* USER CODE END SPI4_Init 0 */ /* USER CODE BEGIN SPI4_Init 1 */ /*...
I have 2 questions:Based on the function below, where do I find the assert_param function? because I want to know how it works.At the update CR2 register, how the function works? because I confuse why there is a \ symbol and when I try to find where...
Hello everyone,I run the mcu in stop mode with this function below void set_stop_mode(void) { HAL_SuspendTick(); HAL_PWR_EnableSleepOnExit(); HAL_PWR_EnterSTOPMode(PWR_LOWPOWERREGULATOR_ON, PWR_STOPENTRY_WFI); }System works in two interrupt below...
I'm using STM32H743. I'm trying to apply the following pdf but I'm having difficulties with pin settings and applying the example. I need help. THANK you