User Activity

Dear STM32 MCUs community,I am currently working on a project with the STM32l452RET6 MCU with a goal to use the SAI peripheral for one-directional single wire communication purposes, so only the "data line" (SD_A or SD_B) will be outputted using the ...
Dear ST teamI would like to ask you, how should I properly connect the module SPBTLE-1S to Windows 10 PC. I found in the document UM2264 (chapter 4.2.5 Using BlueNRG-1 Flasher utility with other boards) instructions how to connect it to PC and pro...
Posted on December 11, 2017 at 14:21Hello dear STM32.I have problem with SPI communicatoin on my nucleo32 board with STM32 l432kc. Already 2 days, I am trying to make SPI communicatin work, but without any result. When I was measuring with my Oscilo...