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Resolved! HAL_FLASH_Program trigger error 0x40 (FLASH_FLAG_SIZERR)

STM32G473CCT uses the HAL library for writing flash pages.i have constructed some code to use the last FLASH page as NV memory.bool eeprom_write8(uint16_t address, uint8_t data) { return eeprom_write(address, &data, 1); }   bool eeprom_write(uint16_...

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sde c.1 by Senior II
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Resolved! OTP size for STM32F746XX

I found a strange mismatch in the reference manual for the OTP memory size:Accordingly to the manual page 78 ( the ...

grmpyc8 by Associate
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Pending Register for EXTI line 13 always active

Im trying some bare Metal programming on the NUCLEO - H743ZI2.Im stuck on creating a Button Interrupt on EXTI line 13.The User Button 1 is located on PC13, im trying to toggle LED2 on PE1.LED and Button configuration must be correct, since it works w...

J.v.W. by Associate II
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STM32L011 in LP-RUN with STOP mode and RTC wakeup.

I would like to run the STM32L011K4 (Nucleo kit) in low power mode for 10ms then put it in STOP mode with a wake-up via the RTC 90ms later.Step 1: Operation in RUN mode all the time (10ms +90ms), the consumed current is about 54µA (57µA in DBG).Step ...

Resolved! Touc sense

Dear Sir.I migrated the code of TSV_BasicAcquisition_Interrupt to my board .The IO rae different than the exampleExample Custom Board,PC7 PB6PC6 PB5PB13 PB12PB14 PB13I keep getting HAL_TSC_ErrorCallback,How...