Resolved! How to link an already generated object file in existing project ?
I am using stm32cubeide
I am using stm32cubeide
I tried to write the the register of LMX2595 through SPI using following API,here R1 is of 3 Bytes , 1 Address byte + 2 Data bytes;tData[3] = {0x07,0x30,0x0f}HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi1, tData, 4, 100);
Hey,I’m using a nucleo board: SMT32L031K6.I’m trying to make a simple bootloader but I’m struggling at unlocking the flash. In the reference manual it states that I must perform an unlocking sequence, but I haven’t been able to do it successfully. Wh...
Dear Sir.Using stm32u585 , The external clock on OSC32 pins is 32.768 Khz.I need to config LPTIM2 to run on 32.768 Khz with no success .How do I configure the SystemClock_Config() to make LPTIM2 to run on 32khz.Attached a code/** * @brief System C...
Hello Community,I'm currently working with STM32F429ZGT6 and going to fabricate pcbs for that. I also suspect that I may switch to STM32F746ZGT6 in future.So, I want to know will the same design be compatible for F746.Regards,Keshav Aggarwal
We are using STM32L071CBT6TR controller.We are receiving data through UART based on intterupt, for that we have enabled UART_IT_RXNE intterrupt.We have just enabled UART_IT_RXNE. But still we are getting frame error intterupt, we dont want frame erro...
I am using an 8MHz crystal HSE, and the application (MBED) is able to use CAN, USB, UART, etc properly, so the timing for the HSE is setup correctly. When I try to use the HSE as a source for MCO1 or MCO2 however, it does not work, I get no output. I...
Hi,In my design, STM32F7 MCU communicates with FPGA via FSMC bus. FPGA emulates an asynchronous NOR flash. It was noticed that when MCU does back-to-back writes (2 lines of assembly code for each write) to the same FSMC address only the last 16-bit w...
Hi,Chapter 30 in RM0454 (page 980) is missing the information about the unique device identifier.It is very well described in the F0 RM0091, and I would like the same level of information to be added in the next revision of RM0454.For the time being,...
Hi,Im struggling to get the CAN to run on the F446ZET micro, it runs all day long transmitting in loopback mode but doesnt work at all in Normal Mode.Looking on a scope trace of the TX pin in loopback you can see the couple of messages im transmittin...