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Forum Posts

Resolved! DMA <-> SPI, RX TX for STM32L0

I'm trying to get the SPI communications to a peripheral handled by the DMA. I have reviewed the STM32L0 reference manual, and LL libraries, as well as close examples. I am able to get Tx operation working properly. However, I cannot get Rx to work. ...

Dude by Associate III
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Does the STM32F205 have a VREFINT_CAL value ?

I have found the address of VREFINT_CAL for other processors. THE STM32F205 seems to have the vrefint adc channel on ADC1_IN17 but I can't find the address for the factory cal value.Thanks,Roger KellyROM Communications

RKell.6 by Associate
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Resolved! Basic GPIO_init() question

I am using for instance, ADC, UARTS, Timers, external interrupts, etc., all generated with cube. But I notice that cube doesn't always generate GPIO settings for certain pins. For instance, ADC1_IN4, when I select it using my board, an stm32f769i-d...

ADC Converter in STM32H745

I use the STM32H745 under the CubeIDE. I thought, when I configure my ADC to trigger the interrupt from a timer, the HAL_ADC_ConvCpltCallback() function will becalled automatically. The related ISR is called and I can read out the value. But the Call...

JPiet.3 by Associate III
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DMA Mem to peripheral inconsistent output

I have a timer + dma which outputs a signal for addressable LEDS. The code calls the PWM Start function on a crude timer loop for testing purposes.The first time the DMS starts, its perfect, and the output is correct and as expected. However the seco...

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