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Forum Posts

How to implement SPR PPS Mode for the STM32F072 ?

Hi, I am using an NUCLEO-F072RB Board with an STUSB1602 Type-C Controller Expansion Board. My Goal is to program a Sink application which is able to use the PPS Mode. Furthermore I am using the STM32_MB1303_SNK_ONLY Project as a reference. My Questio...

SKaiba by Associate
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Resolved! Flash Programming Error Even if Flash was erased.

Hi guys,I am using and STM32L552ZET6 and I get a behavior I can not exaplain. The device is power at 1.8V in case it matters. So to put it shortly I have 2 blocks of 8 pages each. At first start I erase both of the blocks and write only in block 1 so...

CDan.1 by Associate II
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CPU test bug in the X-CUBE-STL (gcc)

Hi, this isn't really a question, but I figured I'd share back with the community (and hopefully bring the change back into ST's next release) on the X-CUBE-STL CPU test code.There are some instances, where the APSR has some bit set in what ARM docum...

TK.0 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32F429ZI interface to GEN4-FT813-CTP-CLB:

Everyone, Posting for the first time here. We've been working with a 4d display that's based on an FT813 IC. The issue that we came to so far is the following.0x7C during Initialization is never detected although, it is detected from MISO. This is re...


Resolved! Variable runover before it reaches its limit

Hello everyone,My variable had a Runover even before it reached its range.Currently, I am working with timer 2 with a frequency of 90MHz. When I retrieved the current time by `__HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER()` and printed it by `printf("receive_time: %lu\n", ...

HNguy.25 by Associate III
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