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I am using the STM32F413VHT6 board and configuring I2C in STM32CubeIDE with STM32 as a master. I have the following questions regarding the Clock Stretching feature and Slave Features settings in the IDE:If I enable or disable Clock Stretching (liste...
Hello,currently i am working on stm32f4113 and nor flash(w25q128) using QuadSPI 1st time i erase the 1st block i get no error but 2nd time i erase any block i get  HAL_QSPI_ERROR_TIMEOUT.i get error in this function QSPI_WaitFlagStateUntilTimeout(hq...
Hi, I have STM32F413VHT6 board and trying to use FATFS and SDIO card slot, but f_mount returns FR_NOT_READY. i worked in 1 bit mode is working perfectly but SDIO in 4 bit mode f_mount return FR_NOT_READY.i am using below code for both 1 bit and 4 bi...
I am struggling with integration of filesystem on external nor.I've been trying ittlefs. i have error in LFS_ERR_CORRUPT.