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I have been trying to display continuous data on Scroll wheel container for the past 2 months but have been very unsuccessful. Could someone help or tell me if it's even possible to do that?? The example in the documentation does not help in that reg...
While enabling Timers in CubeMX, I accidentally clicked on TIM6 which is already on by default and used by the Core I believe. I re-enabled it by clicking on it again and of course the default settings got erased. And now whenever I try to run my cod...
The SPI2_MISO pin (PI2) at the arduino connector of the STM32H745XI board was accidentally connected to the MOSI of another SPI device giving around 5V and now the board red LED (LD3) keeps being on...According to the user manual, this means STLK Ove...
I have a SPI Master to slave setup and for some reason whenever the slave receive the full buffer from Master, it does not go inside the callback function.This is my code from Master:const uint8_t TX_Buffer1[] = "Hi Slave, wake up!"; uint8_t RX_Buf...
I would like to display the received SPI data on a scroll list container from TouchGFX. But the thing is, data are coming in at high rate, around 10,000 times in a second and each of these data need to be display on reach row of the table.Is there a ...
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