User Activity

Hi all,Based on the tutorials, I am trying to create an AI lib using NanoEdgeAI.The lib seems created successfully, see attachment.But when I add it to the MDK project and compiler it, some errors like below is present:When I remove the libneai.a, th...
Hi there,I have a work-well project with TouchGFX and FreeRTOS.After I enable the CUBE-AI software pack(can't check the application), and compiler the project, the error as below(there are 2 same RW_RAM):After commenting one RW_RAM and compiler again...
Hello there,I want to recognize the digital and character written by hand with STM32F429BI.I think there must be split into the following steps:1. user input(write something in the screen by finger); (what widget I can use?)2. transfer the screen pix...
Hi there,I am verifying the USB DFU bootloader in STM32F429BI.I can normally enter the bootloader and connect my MCU using stm32CubeProg.I can succeed in the program flash when I check the "Full Chip erase" option, otherwise, it will fail sometimes(s...
Hi there,I am using the touchGFX and I want to store my image to SPI flash chip.The pin to pin of the connect as below:STM32F429BI <---> W25Q64BVSSIG CS <---> PD13 CLK <---> PB3(SPI3_SCK) DO <---> PB4(SPI3_MISO) DI ...