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I'm attempting to set the clock to PLL on the board mentioned and view the output on MCO2. This is some of the defines I use  #define REG_SET_BIT(reg,pos) ((reg) |= (1U << (pos))) #define REG_CLR_BIT(reg,pos) ((reg) &= ~(1U << (pos))) ...
I have a working, basic SPI transmit working with DMA. It transmits 20 characters in loopback mode and is working as it should. The GPIO Pins are set up correctly.SPI Configuration;void SPIInit() { RCC->APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN; // Master SP...
[Update]Seems you can't mix C and C++ files easily, so I converted the main file to C and everything works fine. [/update]I am attempting to do what I thought would be a simple pin change interrupt on PB0.I set up the pin change in HAL and it works, ...
I'm attempting to do a simple Input Capture using Timer1. I thought as a start I would generate a single 200uS pulse using a Signal Generator and use Timer1 to detect it. I can't seem to get the capture to work no matter what I do.I tried using HAL a...
The code below links Timer1 in master mode to Timer3 in slave mode producing a 4 second toggle on PB8 and it works correctly.My question is I'm not able to follow the flow of the signal in the Timer chart below the code.If someone would show me the s...
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