Hello,I have read the reference manual but the terminology used in the .ioc file and the reference manual do not align, so I am getting confused. I am using the STM32H7B3I-EVAL evaluation board, which uses a STM32H7B3LIH6Q MCU. According to the datas...
Hello!I am writing a program in which I am controlling a ST32F303 MCUs DAC1 and DAC2, thru a USB port, via LabView. The LabView part sends a data string containing the following "1,4095". The one implicates which DAC I am trying to control(in this ca...
As I have been developing a printer, therefore I need fast external ram to store all the data at once and then retrieve the data from the ram to the printer board. I have used the FIFO memory but that's not enough for the data. As I need a minimum 64...
Can you confirm that the formula on the RM0454 manual to calculate the wwdg timeout is wrong? Shouldn't the WDGTB[1:0] parameter be WDGTB[2:0]?Thank you
Hi all,I'm using STM32F429 on a custom board which is running a TFT LCD and RTC is running slow compared to the computer clock. 8MHz crystal is connected to HSE but currently, LSE is using an internal clock. My question is: Can I connect the external...
I'm trying to do I2C Slave but I totally don't understand how to implement it using HAL.I have a good record of data in Slave.But but when I use HAL_I2C_Slave_Sequential_Transmit_IT I get a HAL_BUSY error.What should I do? I looked at the examples bu...
I am using HAL_DMA_Start_IT(..) to read data from GPIO that is triggered via a Timer IC. It works the first time, but if I use HAL_DMA_Start_IT(..) again the destination memory is not updated but I get the transfer complete interrupt. If I use a dif...
I am trying to use both CAN1 and CAn2 with both 500KBPS . CAN1 transmits successfully . But for CAN2 TX mailboxes return full. Below is my CAN configurations file. Any help appreciated