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Hi im hoping someone can help me, honestly it might be a easy thing to do, however i have been cracking my brain around this and can't seem to get it to work. uint8_t Rx_data[6] = {0}; HAL_UART_Receive(&huart1, Rx_data, 6, 1000);printf("%s\n", Rx_dat...
Hii hope im asking my issue in the right placeso i have developed a pcb board with 70 TLC5947 ic's in cascading sequence, however im having an issue with using my STM32 discovery board to turn on LED's. the Ic's are powered by 5V and when i use my ar...
Hi I'm new to using STM Microcontrollers and I have the Discovery board as my development board, I have used Arduino religiously and thought I should learn something new.I have learnt how to modify data registers, for example, turn the 4 LEDs on and ...