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Finally I used the HAL_UARTEx_ReceiveToIdle_DMA(...) function and the associated HAL_UARTEx_RxEventCallback(...) Interruptcallback. It works nice now, but I had some issues, which have been not so easy to explore. So I want to share them here. Maybe,...
Hello Community,I'm developing a program for a STM32 L051R6T6 with CubeIDE.on bare metal, using HAL driver functions.It reads some cyclic data from two USARTS using DMA.The maincycle does processing of the rxTelegrams, transmits and does some logging...
Hello community, I experienced a strange behavior, when when using the UART-DMA-mechanism.The MCU is a STM32L051R6T6, and I use CubeIDE with HAL-drivers.I receive a cyclic telegram of 40 bytes on both USARTs.The telegram starts with two detection byt...
Hello community,I use CubeIde to program my STM32 L051R6T6.Language is C.I do the following definition in a .c file:enum internalFaults{ internalFaultsTransmitPrepare, internalFaultsTransmit, internalFaultsWatchdogAlarm, internalFaultsTelegramsRx...
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