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I am working with a Nextion display and a STM32F411CEx on STM32 Cube Ide I need to both send and receive serial commands to the display at 9600 baud with standard serial port settings. I have no problems sending data to the display but I seem to have...
I am having a very difficult time trying to read the file directory using the code I got from the web. I am able to get most SD card functions to work and I actually get the read directory function to work the first time but it only reads 6 of the 1...
I am using the NUCLEO-C031C6 dev board and I seem to be having many difficulties. I am trying to do a printf() or use a sprintf() method to print a float number to the serial port. I noticed that this controller device(STM32C031C6T6) does not have a...
I am working with a NUCLEO-C031C6 board using STM32Cube ide V1.11.0 and I am noticing something weird with my ADC readings, I am using PA0 and PA1 for AIN0 and AIN1 when I launch the application I get the correct value if I have a signal input on AIN...
I have never had any issues with any of the NUCLEO boards communicating via the serial port but for some reason I can't seem to get this board to send serial data, it does show up as a serial port on the Windows Device manager and everything else app...
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