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Forum Posts

I am working on STM32G030 series microcontrollers & I am using external crystal as clock source (HSE). But as per AN2867 Application note(page13) gain margin ratio should be greater than 5, But I am not able to get it above 2.9. What should I do?

STM32G030C8T6 has maximum critical crystal transconductance (gm) is 1.5 mA/V.Crystal specifications that are mentioned in application note(page14) gmcrit = 0.23 mA/V with this gain margin > 5. But I checked many crystals datasheet but I am not able t...

SMali.4 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F407 Timer does not work

Hi I am trying to initialize TIM2 to get a PWM outpt from PA15 of my STM32F407 development board. Here is my TIM init function:void TIMConfig (void) { /*************>>>>>>> STEPS FOLLOWED <<<<<<<<************ 1. Enable the TIM2 clock 2. Set clock ...

STM32H7A3 STM32H7A3ZIT6Q DMA Not starting

The code works fine on STM32G474 and I can get 1Msampe/second. I redid the same project on STM32H7A3ZIT6Q with the changes indicated went to the option having a dma section....

Marius CO by Associate III
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Resolved! Casting / Pointers creating immense grief???

I have the array of character strings that I am trying to printout to Real Term using a Nucleo -F072. The code compiles with no warnings or errors, yet every time I run this it jumps into the HardFault_Handler....Can someone please tell me what am I...

SWenn.1 by Senior III
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