I am trying to use timer7 to give me the number of counts when an event occurs. I could not get this to work, and wrote some test code to show the issue.This test code should set the initial count to zero, then fill an array with 10 timer values as ...
Would you be able to provide electrical specifications for the integrated SMPS of STM32U585CIU? Specifically: power efficiency at different loads, output current capability, switching frequency, etc.Thank you,
Hello all,we intend to use the STM32U5 in a project that uses CAN FD. I have learned that the initial CAN FD version 1.0 specification from Bosch [1] in 2012 had a bug that prevented the CRC detecting some error types, which led to changes during the...
So, I'm having an issue getting the printf() function suite to work with floating point values.First, understand that I am not using STM32CubeIDE. It's a good tool, but I've had too many issues/complications using it. I use a custom Makefile and VSc...
Hi I am testing a STM32H745I-DISCOI am setting QSPI from ioc file by referring to the example code provided by STBelow is the example qspi configuration code QSPIHandle.Instance = QUADSPI; /* QSPI initialization */ /* ClockPrescaler set to...
Hello,Currently, I use STM32F030K6. I programmed timer 3 to have a period of 1μs, but I noticed at the oscilloscope that my signal has a delay of 16μs, so I searched the datasheet and I found this:I wonder if it is at each interrupt?, and how to deal...
ST-LINK V2 works fine with STM32 ST-LINK Utility and STM32CubeIDE, but ST-LINK V2 doesn't work with STM32CubeProgrammer.Any idea why this might be? I have tried various USB ports and various USB to mini USB cables. I am using original programmer and ...
I am using STM32L412 microcontroller and doing baremetal programming for timer interrupt. I am using Timer 6 and base clock of 4MHZ is used as HCLK. However my interrupt is not firing below mentioning my code. count variable is also not updatingint m...
Hi there,we have an application which already tracks register RCC->CSR on startup and writes the content to the log files.From time to time, due to (intentionally unfiltered) electrical disturbances in the electronic or external EM pulses, we see the...