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Forum Posts

How to retrieve STm32H757 MCU from SMPS power mode?

I am using STM32H757 MCU on my custom board and was able to flash the code.Once mistakenly I flashed without commenting the below lines in SystemClock_Config function  HAL_PWREx_ConfigSupply(PWR_DIRECT_SMPS_SUPPLY);__HAL_PWR_VOLTAGESCALING_CONFIG(PWR...

NAham.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! SRAM Memory information

  Good morning,   I am working with the STM32MP1 and the STM32H7 and will make use of the SRAM memories for critical data. For my application and its security I need more information about the memories.   Is there any detailed description or analysis...

AGamb.4 by Associate III
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How to respond NACK to Master

Hello everyone,I have a application on STM32L5xx, I configuration I2C1 to slave mode,when slave receive first unwanted command code, I want to response NACK to master. I judge the command code in AL_SMBUS_SlaveRxCpltCallback call back function, and s...

PYF.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F4 A/D Input Bias Current

I'm not able to find a spec in the STM32F446 datasheet for minimum A/D input bias current. Does anyone know where I can find this info? I need to sample the voltage from a high resistance potentiometer and it would be handy to know if I need to buf...

Resolved! Output Capture not working to blink LED on NUCLEO-C031C6

I am trying to implement output capture using the LL APIs but cannot get it to blink the LED every one second on the NUCLEO board, however, I cannot get it to blink at all. Is there a register I missed?Here is my code:#include "stm32c0xx_ll_bus.h"#in...

HPate.12 by Associate II
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Discovery L0538 UART2 RX Pin Stuck Low?

Using a Discovery L0538, and want to make use of the 2nd UART (really only need the RX on pin PA3). I noted in the User Manual that to disable the onboard touch sensor and use this pin, I need to jump solder bridge SB24 (which I did, alng with the ot...

nobbyv77 by Associate II
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Resolved! ST BLE Toolbox: How to use the environment

Hello,I am working with the Nucleo Bluetooth boards (NUCLEO-F401RE + NUCLEO-IDB05A2) and I want to test some custom code I'm writing to make sure I understand how to use the X-CUBE-BLE software package. To do this, I am trying to use the ST BLE Toolb...

KMew by Senior III
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