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Resolved! Hi, I am losing data when sending longer as 8 Bytes messages over HAL_UART_Transmit_IT. Only when adding a Hal_delay of 40 ms the correct data will appear. The buffer is and TX/RX are not used in the meantime.

I'm using FDCAN and UART (9bits) on a custom board STM32G0B1RBT6. The longer messages from FDCAN are split up in 8 bytes max and combined on the board, which works. I can see the correct array of data until the transmit function, but on the bus not a...

RMvP by Associate
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How to store user input in a variable?

I am working with a Nucleo-L476RG and I am using PuTTY as an interface using UART. I am trying to use PuTTY to read a numerical value from the user and then store that entered value in a variable. Below is how I am initializing UART to receive user ...

stmmm by Associate II
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Resolved! Code stop running at NVIC_EnableIRQ

#define HWREG(x) (*((volatile uint32_t *)(x))) int dataFromRegister = 0; void EXTI9_5_IRQHandler(); void GPIOH_Port15_Toggle(); void GPIOH_Init(); void GPIOK_Port5_Toggle(); void GPIOK_Init(); void SystemCLCKInit(); void setup() { // put your se...

HTess.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! How can I configure 2 DMA for 2 i2s modules? [Solved]

Hi, I am trying to use a 4 I2s microphone. And I am using cubemx.I made work both of them with a sinple DMA transfer.I used I2s half duplex reciever 16of32bits sample rate 48Khz and DMA for 48*2 samples with uint16_t format. For that I used DMA1 str...

tcg by Associate III
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