Can you share the driver library if already available with STM32 for STLED524 matrix.If not available can you provide any support in the future for implementing the drivers for STLED524 with STM32.
Hi, I want to receive data by UART and display them by graph.Here is my code:``` HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart1,(uint8_t*)RxBuf,1); RxBuf[1]=r1[i];```and show by graph:``` if(i<256){ dynamicGraph1.addDataPoint(r1[i++] ); }else i=0;```the problem is...
Lets hope nothing catches fire while we are gone.
Hello,I configure the DAC using SPI configuration. I am reading the DAC registers value , when register is read back i got wrong status value from HAL Library why these happened?for(i=0,j=0,k=0;i<=46;i++,j++,k++) { Read( SAW_ADD[i],SAW_Val[j],SAW_...
Hello all,I'd like to use a portion of my FLASH memory to save four 16-bit preset values. I've read that some STM have several Flash Type Program such as byte, halfword, etc. Unfortunately, it seems that the L432KC only authorizes double word type.Th...