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Here in the below image from the Cube MX it suggests that, SET all the free pins as analog (to optimize the power consumption). How does it help. Also is it applicable to all the controller families?  
Hi, i have an application where i have to read data and store in a buffer, now the buffer length depends on the data_len byte once received from the slave. Than is it wise to use Malloc/Calloc functions? Basically is the dynamic memory allocation sup...
Hi, I have been using PWM with DMA in one project with register-level programming, there i could find the RAM usage was around 28% and the ROM usage was hardly 0.5%. The similar application project when i tried with using HAL API's, I found the RAM u...
Hi there, i am using STM32F401RE development board and using PWM generation using DMA. I am following register level programming approach and here the issue lies in the DMA settings. Like if I set my PSIZE and MSIZE to 32-bit long and also if my data...
Hi everyone, i have a requirement where i need to work on the basic PID operations. For that i want to know how i can perform integration and differential equations using STM32F401RE controller. I had a glance through the "math.h" library but now sur...
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