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Hello! I am trying to figure out my sampling time from my ADC. The setup i have:A number of ADC:s setup with a DMA. All ADC has the same sample time, set to 19.5 ADC cycles. All ADC is 12 bit, so from my understanding, we have 19.5 + 12.5 = 32 ADC cy...
Hello! I am working on PWM generation using several timers, in this case: TIM3, TIM4, TIM8, TIM15. I have gotten TIM3, TIM4 and TIM8 to work perfectly. I am currently testing this on a STM32F3DISCOVERY board. TIM15 however, does not behave properly f...
Hello! I have a need to use ADC1, ADC2, ADC3 and ADC4 all at the same time, and preferably DMA on all of them too. I have not coded this yet, but I am mostly wondering if there are any pitfalls or things i should think about when doing this, so they ...
Hello! I am trying to set up CAN for a custom hardware, but right now I am just trying to get CAN running by itself on a STM32F3Discovery. I attached the full code below, but from what I can tell, it goes as far as sending the message out, but all i ...