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Hi,I am implementing an application that uses FMC with a Micron NAND 8bit 16Gb Asynchronous MT29F16G08ABACA. My questions are more theoretical:1. Is it convenient to access this memory using FMC? I have read somewhere in this forum that also eMMC (SD...
Hi,I have interfaced an STM32H723 to an MRAM that is SRAM compatible, using FMC.. The memory is SRAM compatible, 20bit address and 16bit data. The main control pins for the memory are: CHIP ENABLE (~E), WRITE ENABLE (~W) and OUTPUT ENABLE (~G). FMC c...
Hi, I am using an STM32F401. I have on board peripherals (not in the MCU) connected with USART, SPI and I2C. I am using FreeRTOS. I am using Systick, external crystal HSE, external crystal LSE, RTC, but no Timers. I am generating my code with STM32Cu...
Hi, I am using an STM32F401CCU6 for a FreeRTOS project. My problem is that a variable shows up in the Build Analyzer as 64B instead of 80B. I am using some LoRa libraries. For simplicity, I will refer only to the information I think is relevant for t...
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