Could anyone share a project using LIN communication on an STM32u5 microcontroller with me? Thank you in advance!
Hello everybodyI have a problem with reading of the data from the internal temperature sensor. I'm using last Cube IDE and Cube MX for configuring the project.I created the project according to this example: "Get temperature from STM32 internal tempe...
There is MCO that supports PLLCLK, HSI, HSE, SYSCLK but not LSE with 32.768khz. How can I produce this frequency for FCLK pin of Max30003 sensor? Do I need use Timer? If yes could you send me some examples how to do it properly?
There are conflicting things written in STM32 documentation regarding SRAM retention during Standby mode with SRM32 G0 MCU.For example, in RM0454 G0 Reference Manual it states two different things 1 paragraph apart .The UM2319 G0 HAL/LL Manual has a ...
Hi all,im trying to bring a timer interrupt to work. In the first step I want to create an LED blinky.For that I followed the instructions from the Knowledge base example (How to generate a one second interrupt using an STM32 Timer). The only differe...
hello i am working with i2c i used register for coding i2c but when i configure AFRH register i cant upload my code to my board i have target not responding error then i tried hal library but nothing changed
Hi, I am trying to detect whether a reset event was caused by power on rather than any other reset such as a button reset or a software reset. I attempted to use if (__HAL_RCC_GET_FLAG(RCC_FLAG_PORRST) != RESET)but the compiler reports that PORRST ...
i see somewere that the way to erase the flash is to do this instructions.FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef EraseInitStruct;EraseInitStruct.TypeErase = FLASH_TYPEERASE_SECTORS; EraseInitStruct.VoltageRange = FLASH_VOLTAGE_RANGE_3;EraseInitStruct.Banks = FLASH_B...