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Resolved! Power on reset (PORRST) not detected on STM32L471RGT6

Hi, I am trying to detect whether a reset event was caused by power on rather than any other reset such as a button reset or a software reset. I attempted to use  if (__HAL_RCC_GET_FLAG(RCC_FLAG_PORRST) != RESET)but the compiler reports that PORRST ...

rwils.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! Do the G4 series contain a DMA on timer break feature?

The RM0440 ch. 28.3.18 rev7 mentions on page 1128:> An interrupt is generated if the BIE bit in the TIMx_DIER register is set. A DMA request can be sent if the BDE bit in the TIMx_DIER register is set.Unfortunately, the DIER register does not contain...

Loebl by Associate II
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Stm32f103c8t6 RTC Crystal Choice

Hi, I'm trying to do embedded 103c8t6, and I'm having some trouble with selecting the right crystal.Here is my Schematic. I'm using ABS07-32.768khz with 12.5pF load Capacitances and the equivalent series resistance is 70kR. I took Cstray as 5pF that'...

0693W00000aIpbIQAS.png 0693W00000aIpcuQAC.png
CArda.1 by Associate
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Resolved! Older STM32H743ZI MCU Nucleo board was updated to V3.J10.M1 firmware version. While The board can be flashed, it isn't possible to debug or erase chip memory. Is there a way to roll back the update?

After running into some issues during an OS migration, I ran a firmware update on a nucelo_h743zi board using the stLink utility. After this I ran into many issues with flashing and debugging. While I can flash the board with openocd v11, it has some...

GToml.1 by Associate
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