MCU: STM32l47xxxHi,I am attempting to modify Option Bytes in code and am seeing undesirable behavior.The purpose for modifying the OBs is to be able to reset into Bank 2 afterward. I am implementing to perform a on-the-fly DFU similar to the method f...
Hello,I'am trying to connect the AD7771 ( with a STM32F413. The question is, if it is possible to configure the QSPI as slave to receive the data from the AD7771 via DOUT0...
Hello, I'm using a STM32L476RG Nucleo board for a personnal project. While playing with the ADC, I noticed something strange: ADC raw readings seems to be off.My experiment, connect the middle pin of a 100k potentiometer to the PC0 pin, and record di...
Recently, one of the projects i was working on just went sideways, one of the reasons was the requirements being thrown at the developer (mail/whatsap/spurious comments) by more than one stakeholder (usually contradicting themselves).The requirement...
Hi,I'm using Timer 3 channel 4 for the PWM output und channel 2/1 as a combined PWM input where channel 2 is the direct input.If I feed the output pwm to the input, I don't get a capture value in CCR2, only in CCR1. Can I use the output and input sim...