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Hi ,I am preparing flash the binary using the USB in STM32L412.I checked STM32 USB DFU code. It is working only read. I couldn't write in the STMDFU application.I tried to write to flash ,But i am getting HAL_ERROR and read the FLASH SR register show...
Hi ,I am using bootloader to jump application using QSPI .It is jumping proper in QSPI loader.I faced some timing issue in QSPI. I planned to use SDRAM or internal SRAM1 (0X30000000).In my MCU STM32H750XBH6U single core M7. In bootloader copied image...
I am using STM32H750 MCU . I configured 14 GPIO as interrupt and handle in HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback(uint16_t GPIO_Pin) function. In few GPIO pin number is same and different port .(PA6 , PI6 and PJ6).How to find proper interrupt PIN?