With reference to STM32L496xx datasheet (DS11585 rev 17) page 152 table 49, can maximum values be provided for IVDD_VBAT with RTC enabled and clocked by LSE quartz, for VBAT=3.0V and at 25°C and 55°C? (The red marked cells)
We use STM32L496QGI6 with a 512Mb external flash connected to a QuadSPI interface.Principally like the Discovery kit STM32L496G-DISCO (with STM32L496AG MCU and 64Mb flash).We wonder how the STM32 required data hold time during read from flash can be ...
Thank you for the response, but unfortunately, it do not answer the question.As we realized that the Discovery kit uses the same QuadSPI setup as we do, we better use the Discovery kit as reference for the question. If we can be convinced that the Di...