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Forum Posts

How to erase stm32f429 flash sector in dual bank mode?

Posted on March 27, 2015 at 06:38429 has 1M flash and I divide it into two banks using dual bank mode. Each has 512MB.  I want to erase sector 15 (0x0808 C000 - 0x0808 FFFF) , but it fails. But if I use single bank mode and erase sector 8 (0x0808 0...

ray by Associate II
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STM32F103R8Tx Timer issues

Hello everyone, currently we are experimenting with the STM32F103R8T and it's timers.  We are trying to toggle Port A5 with about 500kHz using a timer. We are (by hardware) in need to toggle exactly pin A5 although there is no AF related to a Timer. ...


Resolved! STM32H5 workshop 20th June

HelloI attended the online "STM32H5: Ultimate combination of performance, integration and affordability" workshop on Tuesday 20th June. I've not received any email with the links to the workshop, slides and so on. Also was told to receive a free dev ...

Resolved! how to access rpmb partition with HAL_MMC_xx functions

I am using STM32H735AGI6 on a custom board with an KLM8G1GETF eMMC I am reading JEDEC Standard No. 84-B451I want to start reading counter: std says "The counter read sequence is initiated by Write Multiple Block command, CMD25. Prior to CMD25, the bl...

mzenn.280 by Associate II
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UART losing the first byte

HiI am a beginner and I am studding STM32F448 with a nucleo board. Program used "System Workbench for STM32". My problem is quite ***** and I hope that someone can help me.That program allow to the the user to send a string and the cpu, when receive ...

FTrom by Associate II
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Combine two x- Nucleo boars on the same Nucleo board

Hello, I am new in using the STM32 enviroment,Now I have a project with a x-nucleo- GNSS1A1 and a x-nucleo- IHM08M1 and both projects can run alone on two diffrent Nucleo-F401RE. To safe space an ports at a NUC, they both sending and reseving data fr...

Ten-3 by Associate
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Resolved! General purpose timer

I came across the term in the user manual of L4P5 series that shadow register, auto preload register and auto reload register in timer operationwhat is the difference between three of them?

ajimathew by Associate III
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