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Hi, I have tested my 4.3" TFT-LCD by write the whole screen with one color blue or orange freshing with about 34hz, but it blinks.the test code run in main function:  int ii=0;  int cl =0x0;//color  while(1)  {   if(ii==0) {  ii =1; ...
​after executing constructors:m_Handle and bbb both with int type are not what I write, it seem it's memory alignment problem but all related class has 32bits int type member variables.And I define g_pointer=(int*)m_Handle, the address  g_pointer sav...
my read flash reading is bellowing:unsigned short * pAddr = (unsigned short * )​0x08004000;unsigned short read_value=0;for(int i=0;i<10;i++){read_value = *(pAddr +i);printf(.....,read_value );}​---------------I add read_value to watch window ,however...
Hi, i'm using stm32f429 to develop i2c communication, the mcu cannot generate START signal after running a few minutes but the SDA and SCL all high, I add the CR1 register to watch and find the CR1 cannot be modified after calling the bellowing: ​br...
As showed in captures, the cloce source of cortex system timer is AHB/8 but not core clock and the frequency of systick is 22.5Mhz. However the generated clock source is Processor clock (AHB) not AHB/8.Is this CUBEMX BUG ??  0x07=0111bBit 2 CLKSOURCE...
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