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Resolved! Confirmation of Program Operation in Release build

Confirmation of Program Operation in Release buildWe are trying to verify the operation of the program in the Release build. However, when we do [Build with Release] → [Change Debug Configuration(Select the application Release/***.elf)] → [Debug], we...

DSI Host Error Handler

Hi,  I`m new to MIPI DSI, and still learn how to use it.Recently, I develop with my custom board and start with MIPI interface display. Then config with CUBEMX, but after compile program, it always stuck in HAL_DSI_Iinit  while loop below      /* Ge...


RTC Alarm Callback Double Firing

The name. Basically using RTC interrupts to run the call back function every minute and increment a minute counter to do stuff with. However sometimes the minute double fires. There was a post regarding TIM2 firing twice and I tried to clear RTC flag...

In STM32f103c8t6 RTC Time not updated

Hi all,I am working on stm32f103c8t6 controller.I am using LSI Clock of 40MHZ & external clock of 36MHZ.I am trying to read the clock after power off &n on by using the following code.Eventhough the 3.3v is detected on the pin,the clock is not gettin...

All EXTI interrupts work except PA3

Hello, It's a discussion continuity of the thread: replace PA3 instead of PA1, now all interrupt sw works except PA3... whats happen to this PA3 interrupt?...

Resolved! STM32G4 DAC DMA double data

I can produce a sine wave using DAC1 + DMA on a STMG431CBU6 MCU, but I'd like to increase the frequency (purely as a learning exercise).  In the application note

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