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STM32F070 ADC single channel issue

Hi,Recently I started working on stm32F07 microcontroller. I am trying to read sensor value using ADC.Issue: ADC value is keep on changing randomly(means its not holding value).Below is my code. Please refer it and help me to figure out the issue.Clo...

VDutt.1 by Associate
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SDMMC trace length mismatch

Posted on May 11, 2018 at 01:27 Hi ThereI was looking at AN4661, pg 45 where the signal routing guidelines for SDMMC is given. It has the below bullet points when it comes to skew  The skew being introduced into the clock system by unequal trac...

Resolved! Float value implementation and debugging

Is there a proper way to implement a float value? When i try to declare a float variable and debug via the variables tab and or live expression (global variable) I keep getting incorrect values in some instances. I have included the float library and...

NoviceStm32_0-1734424900179.png NoviceStm32_1-1734424937178.png NoviceStm32_2-1734424981648.png

Resolved! STM32H7B0 has a lot of spikes on the ADC signals

Dear,Setup:We using a STM32H7B0 100pins.We use 1 ADC input at 1M samplesConfigured as 16bit, differential input, with an offset of 32768.We use a Vref of 2.5V.The other side of the differential input is 1/2 of Vref (buffered with a opamp)To sample th...

OGhis by Senior
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Issues with KSZ9893 and STM32F427 Integration

Hello everyone,I'm currently working on a project where I'm interfacing the KSZ9893 Ethernet switch with an STM32F427 microcontroller. The setup uses the RMII interface for data communication and I2C for management.Issues i am facing:1.unable to ping...

priyazcs by Associate II
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