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Hello,I am working with the evaluation board STM32L412 Nucluo64, but I noticed that the MCU sends only garbage from UART.The code I am using has been used many times in other projects and should work fine (it's just a matter of calling LL_UART_Transm...
Hello,I noticed that when I want to copy a project into the same workspace, the following issues occur:If the project to copy is the only one into the workspacace, when I paste it, the IDE pops-up a message for a "null argument" error...If there are ...
Hello,After copying an STM32CubeIDe project using the New → Project from .ioc file and then importing old project version into the one, the IDE wont let me program the device.With old project version, I can run the programming Run settings and the ST...
Hello, I am using an STM32L432KCU and I trying to use the TIM2_CH1 output as a re-triggerable output with TIM2 ETR input connected to COMP1_Output.The configuration done by STM32CubeIDE (version 1.3.0, build 5720_20200220_1053 (UTC)) is the following...
Hi, I am using an STM32F407VGx MCU and I am trying to receive data from SPI1 using DMA.STM32CubeIDE generated code for the SPI1 is the following:void MX_SPI1_Init(void) { LL_SPI_InitTypeDef SPI_InitStruct = {0};   LL_GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStr...
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