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Forum Posts

Resolved! How to set "Don't fragment" flag LWIP short TCP paquets

Hello,I am sending very short TCP paquets (600 bytes maximum) in a PC <=> MCU transfer scenario. I wish the software running on the PC to answer using an empty (len=0) TCP flag ACK packet as soon as it gets every TCP packet.Using an STM32F207ZG and L...

JMarq.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! OSPI Default Pin Level of DIO0-3 in QSPI mode

Dear Community,for my application I'm using a STM32H723VGTx to control a sensor via the OSPI interface which is operating in QSPI mode (STM32 master, sensor slave). After I had a look on the bus interface with a Logic Analyzer I'm wondering, if there...


Writing to a memory location

Hi all, I want to modify the MODER register of GPIOA using memory addresses. I have the following code but it doesnt work. I think its the derefence of the variables where my problem is. I'm using the STM32L053R8 with the nucleo-l053 board #include <...

Resolved! Custom bootloader running HEX file

I am attempting to make a custom bootloader for the STM32L431 series uC.using the st videos on the subject (,  I managed to load the hex...

STM32H7 USB Host

Hi,What is the meaning of the FRMOR flag for an INT OUT transfert as a FS Host? How and why can that be raised? HPTXFSIZ seems to have enough space (PTXSA 0x0203, PTXFD 0x0102) in a FIFO that is mentioned to be 4kBytes in the datasheet. The frame I t...

jh9 by Associate
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Resolved! Nucleo-F091RC CAN Bus not communicating

I am using the Nucleo-F091RC board to communicate with a Motor that allows me to change it's speed with CAN.  I have the nucleo board attached to an Adafruit CAN Pal board which has a TJA1051T/3 from NXP as the CAN transceiver but I have yet to actua...

Watchdog timer issue

Hello FolksI have enabled the watchdog timer for 1.5 second. Here is screenshot of watchdog timer configuration for our ready reference.*** @brief IWDG Initialization Function* @param None* @retval None*/static void MX_IWDG_Init(void){ /* USER CODE B...

No source available Error

Hello everyone, I am currently doing a project that requires upto 16384 points of FFT(Fast Fourier Transform) . I found out that I can’t perform this number of FFT points using arm CMSIS DSP library since it is limited to 4096 point Max. Due to this ...

Patukes by Associate III
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Resolved! About CAN communicaton with STM32F042

Hi!I am testing CAN communication using STM32F042.The settings for CAN communication on the same two boards are also set the same.One board transmits data through CAN communication once per second, and the other board receives data.If I check the CAN...

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USB CDC device conflict with other peripheral

Hello,I am working on the STM32H7A3ZGT6 with the following parametersCubeIDE 1.13.0CubeMX 6.9.0I am trying to add a USB device CDC for debugging. My objective is to print debug data on the virtual port com. I am sucessufull at sending data directly a...

ABricout_0-1689093133117.png ABricout_1-1689093141352.png
ABricout by Associate III
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