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Dear all,I am using STM32U585CIT6Q in Stop3 mode. When one wakeup pin is active, everything works fine, and I can wake up my microcontroller.But when I want to use two wakeup pins (Two wakeup pins are selected in .ioc file and enabled in code), I can...
Hi, I have my PCB that have a processor used as host and STM32U5 (STM32U585AII6Q) used as low power MCU. USART connection is between host and STM32U5.When I enter Stop3 low power mode, and host is turned off, there is a problem with current on USART ...
Hi!I want to use STM32 U5 for communication with smart cards. USART is configured in a smart card mode, but I don't know how to read ATR, send APDU commands. Is there existing firmware for this use case?Can you give me advice which firmware can I use...
Hi,I've used stm32flash on my processor with embedded Linux to program STM32U5 via USART. When I enter a command ./stm32flash /dev/ttymxc0 (usart interface connected to the STM32U5). I got a message "Failed to init device".On the stm32flash site I fo...
Hi,I tried to wake up STM32U5 using Active Tamper interrupt from Stop3 low power mode. I entered in Stop3 mode using function HAL_PWREx_EnterSTOP3Mode(PWR_STOPENTRY_WFI) and it is possible to wake up MCU with wake up pin, but on active tamper interru...