2023-11-23 3:18 AM
I´m trying to get a STM32G0B1 running with USBPD and a higher PDO voltage (20V). Therefore I followed the instructions in chapter 9 of STM32StepByStep:Getting started with USB-Power Delivery Sink - stm32mcu
Unfortunately the user_services don´t compile. Instead I get errors e.g. about unknown typedef, e.g.
USBPD_PDO_Typedef has no member SRCSNKAPDO.
Btw. Is it possible to get a certain PDO (in this case 20V) just be configuring the PDO in the ioc file?
Best regards,
2023-11-24 5:30 AM
I solved the problem with compiling. Now everything compiles. But I still don´t know how to get the highest voltage or select a certain PDO.
Best regards,