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I am using stm32f334r8 for digital power control. I have configured ADC using cube mx Lower level. ADC reads 0 for 40mv input even though ADC is configured to 12bit and 181  sampling cycles. I also tried calibrating ADC before conversion is started. ...
Hi, I am designing a boost converter based on stw33n60m2, its 2.5kW 420Vout and 250Vin 5 amp Iout. the diode I am using is SIC schottky diode(very less reverse recovary). The issue is that I am facing mosfet failue at around 450v VDS (I dont observe ...
Hi , I am trying to calibrate ADC in STM32334R8. But the code is stoping at calibration phase itself. I will attach the initilization code below for your reference.  LL_ADC_Disable(ADC1);LL_GPIO_ResetOutputPin(GPIOC,LL_GPIO_PIN_8);LL_ADC_EnableIntern...
Hi, I am developing digital control for power electronics for which ADC conversion time is critically. In stm32f334r8 reference manual I saw it takes only 0.19us at lowest sampling time i.e 1.5 cycles. when I tried to measure the adc conversion time ...
hi, I was looking for HAL -library for stm32334r8 MCU but i dont see anything about HRTIM in the avilable HALY library. where can I find HAL instructions documentation for HRTIM ? 
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