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Hi,I just watched this video here: How to build an USBPD Sink application using the X-Cube-TCPP software pack - YouTube which explains how to build up a project with TCPP package for CubeMX.I use the newest CubeMX 6.11.1 but it looks different than i...
Hi, I´ve just created a new project with TouchGFXDesigner 4.24.0.When trying to compile the project in STM32CubeIDE the theres no valid CMSIS package for this version...Any idea?Best regards,Achim
Hi,I´m just starting with Matter over Thread (with the Lighting-App from github).I´m  a little bit confused which binary is for which purpose, because the file various file names:- BLE_Thread_dynamic / static (from STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.19.0)- Thread_xx...
I´ve created a project with TouchGFX, which works fine.When I try to compile the project in CubeIDE I get the error ModelListener.hpp:9: undefined reference to `vtable for ModelListenerWhat could be the reason? Best regards, Achim
Hi, I´m trying to get a STM32G0B1 running with USBPD and a higher PDO voltage (20V). Therefore I followed the instructions in chapter 9 of STM32StepByStep:Getting started with USB-Power Delivery Sink - stm32mcuUnfortunately the user_services don´t co...