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Forum Posts

STM32 installer for Windows 11

I'm setting up a new computer. I tried to download STM32 installer for windows 11 from this page, but it kept saying install_sw4stm32_win_64bits-v2.9.exe canno...

LKa.1 by Associate
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Resolved! How to set the Prescaler register?

Hi there,​I am using Nucleo-H745ZI-Q. I am trying to create 1 microsecond(us) timer. My timer clock frequency is 75Mhz. So first time, I put in 75Mhz for the prescaler. But the error range was 500 ms per second. So I googled and found this comment. ...

SKang.11 by Associate
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Resolved! How to get started with the STM32H747I discovery board

The firmware that is delivered on the board has an evaluation tools link that is broken:"/en/evaluation-tools/DISCO-H747XI.html"and going through the user manual and powering on the board does not start the demo examples.Where can I find a getting st...

BillG by Associate II
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Garbage values while using multiple ADC channels

Hi,I am using STM32H743 Nucleo to interface 9 analog sensors on different ADC channels of ADC1. ADC1 is configured as:hadc1.Instance = ADC1; hadc1.Init.ClockPrescaler = ADC_CLOCK_ASYNC_DIV6; hadc1.Init.Resolution = ADC_RESOLUTION_16B; hadc1.Init.Scan...

RJain.1 by Associate II
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Noise due data transmission using UART on STM32L476RE

In my project, I'm using the STM32L476RELQFP64 microcontroller to process data from an external ADC that communicates via SPI. The objective is to transmit this processed data to a display using UART. However, I'm facing difficulties with the data tr...

LRosa.1 by Associate
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