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Forum Posts

Resolved! Problem with STM32L0538 - Discovery

Hi,I have an STM32L0538 discovery board and I'm trying the Demo example. The problem is that it does not work. When I flash the board it changes the e-ink display like this:Also when I touch the bottom bar it does nothing. The revision of the board i...

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BTurc.2 by Senior
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How to dump firmware from STM32F071

Hello, I am brand new to all of this flashing firmware and stuff, I'm trying to find a way to get the firmware from a shark AV751 I just took apart with an STM32F071 to possibly make a custom app and add mapping? I know I am jumping from step 1 to st...

The SPI RX data received is incorrect - STM32F411RE

Zoomed-in view of MISO:Expected output: 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x58We see the 0x58 being received on MOSI, but still not aligned with the clock. Probably, it is not being sampled correctly by STM32.And importantly, the CS is not triggered before generating cloc...

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cchan.3 by Associate II
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Resolved! DMA to DAC transfer in normal mode too slow

Hi,I'm using STM32G431RB on the NUCLEO-G431RB developement board.I want to generate a signal from an array each time an external trigger is received.The signal is sampled with the TIMER6 trigger, which is rised every 1us. (MCU clock is 170MHz, TIMER6...


Resolved! STM32F40X Triple regular simultaneous model only

Hi,I am trying to use 3 ADCs on STM32F407 with 'Triple regular simultaneous model only'. This option is avaliable in CubeMX configuration, but I can not get it working in the code. I would like to sample 3 channels using the 3 ADCs at the same time. ...

Stmotor by Associate
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VREFBUF Enable Problem

Hi,I am working on STM32G474CET mcu. I am trying to use VREFBUFF voltage for ADC channel referance voltage. My configuration looks like the following. When i run the code, it stuck in the HAL_SYSCFG_EnableVREFBUF function. Whenever i check the 'ticks...

gunccc by Associate II
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