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Forum Posts

Resolved! X-CUBE-SPN3 Demo Hanging on Wait Function

I'm attempting to run the X-CUBE-SPN3 demo for a single motor on the NUCLEO-F030R8 with the X-NUCLEO-IHM03A1 stepper motor driver. Importing the project into STM32CubeIDE went fine. I updated some of the parameters within the powerstep01_Init_u struc...

esnow by Associate
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Resolved! STM32G431 - how to use interrupts within library

Hi,I'd like to create a library for fast handling the USART2 and TIMER. Unfortunately, when I move the USART2_IRQHandler() to the library, the linker do not include this function in a final application, and the program crashes by ending up in the end...

mrox by Associate II
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USB VCP Packet Loss with STM32L4R and Windows

Hello, I have an STM32L4R9ZI controller connected to a computer running Windows 10. I have a custom protocol where the computer sends a command and my controller responds. I am using VCP to achieve this. The communication is established and operation...

Makarand by Associate II
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Resolved! PC3_C as input

I use PC3_C pin as an GPIO_Input, but when i debug it is flickering between 1 and 0 even without any connection to the pin. anyone knows what happened?this is the setup i useGPIO_InitStruct.Pin = Emergency_Pin;GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_INPUT;G...

BAl K.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! 1.8V Power Supply on STM32H735

Hello, I'm designing a board based on the STM32H735IGK3 microcontroller in which I want to include two HyperBus / OctoSPI memories in multiplexed mode. For this kind of memories there is more avaiblity on 1.8V power supply, but reading the documentat...

vmartinm by Associate
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