Actualy i test ST licensing in KEIL 6. Error: *** Project 'xxx', Target 'xxx', Device 'STMicroelectronics::STM32G431CBTx' is not supported by Toolchain ! ***. this is result with target set to G431, but size of my code is only 15k, why cant use comp...
HI, i use CC2 on TIM1 set as input capture measuring pulse period and store in array
LL_DMA_SetPeriphAddress(DMA1, LL_DMA_CHANNEL_3, (uint32_t)&TIM1->CCR2);
LL_DMA_SetMemoryAddress(DMA1, LL_DMA_CHANNEL_3, (uint...
Hi, i start design on G4 and am confused with internal ref in MX.1. Internal REF for ADC isnt real internal, but Vref2.Internal ref for comparators is 1/2 1/4 3/4 ... , but from what ?3. ADC stop working without VREF+ pin voltage, but comparator work...
Hi in custom design arrive problem , that seems as hard to solve. TIM3 CH1 and CH2 config: TIM_TimeBaseStructInit(&timer);
timer.TIM_Prescaler = 1-1; //48Mhz/1/2000=24kHz
timer.TIM_Period = 2000-1;
timer.TIM_ClockDivision = 0;
Primary read AN2606.Secondary use custom bootloaders and app require manage changes in app build configs and vector table management. Have you in app changed system c file vect offset ?
Start with complete simple project only for internal flash. In your log is reported missed file for load external flash on DK. Optimal is close IDE and all, and open only Programmer GUI. First step is upgrade onboard STLINK. After this try connect an...
Your title Q isnt clean , but primary TGFX manage only image in memory, nothing more. Your hw driver and config transfer it to display. Then swap is based on your detection code and management... = possibleAnd tip for designer create screens for disp...