Resolved! STM32F4 can I join SRAM and SRAM2 memories?
Hi, I have STM32F407VET6 which has such memory layout.Can I join SRAM (0x2000 0000 - 0x2001 BFFF) and SRAM2 (0x2001 C000 - 0x2001 FFFF) memories to one?Or do I must to manage them separately?
Hi, I have STM32F407VET6 which has such memory layout.Can I join SRAM (0x2000 0000 - 0x2001 BFFF) and SRAM2 (0x2001 C000 - 0x2001 FFFF) memories to one?Or do I must to manage them separately?
Hello Dear Community,I am having a real strange issue while using OSPI peripheral in STM32H7B0 custom board.I am trying to use OSPI with PSRAM but I wanna make sure it works fine, so I am using it with a NOR Flash for test.When I try to activate the ...
This is how footnotes looked like in old rev of the same DS:i.e. the "hysteresis" footnote goes to Vhys, and Cio should have a separate footnote.I've seen this error in several 'F4 and 'F7 DS.JW
I tried to change PWM output duty without stopping or suspending PWM output, but between two times of writing new value to CCR, there must be a delay time inserted in. Following is the example code:/* if delay_ms(300), code can run correctly, if chan...
Hello everyone,I am currently working with a STM32U575ZIT6 and am trying to connect as much RAM as possible to its FMC peripheral. However, SRAM and PSRAM are not available in the sizes I am looking for, so I was wondering if it would be possible to ...
I have configured the readout of 4 PDM microphones through the SAI interface. I am using 1 slot of 32 bits per frame. I have enabled DMA.Unfortunately, when reading PDM data, the first 6 and last 2 values of the array are filled with zeros. This happ...
Hi,I am working on SPI bus communication between IMX6dl MPU and STM32L476 MCU.MPU work as a master device and MCU work as a slave device.Configuration of MPU is:pinctrl_ecspi3: ecspi3grp { fsl,pins = < MX6QDL_PAD_D...
Posted on September 30, 2016 at 07:41STm32f407 problem in standby and wakeup
Hello everyone, I'm trying to develop a simple DAQ, most of the code is generated by stm32cubemx then I just added two callback (HAL_ADC_ConvHalfCpltCallback and HAL_ADC_ConvCpltCallback) to send the half buffer data by the USB virtual com, pretty s...
I want to be able to program a STM32H7 device with something like a device ID, for example, this device is #10, and that devices is #55. This would affect the behavior of the device, so it must be possible to read that number through the firmware, so...