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I am using the STM32H725ZGT6 for a new client application.  I have used it many times before.  This application requires three UARTs running, so I am using USART10 for one of them.  I have not used USART10 before.My code runs all 3 UARTs the same -- ...
This should be simple, but I can't find documentation.   I am running an STM32L4P5 at max clock speed (120 MHz), and I have moved all code to SRAM so it is running with zero wait states.    I have an extensive calculation to do using the FPU -- I am ...
I have designed a set of boards for a client with one USB interface to the main controller.  We can bootload it by the usual methods, and bootload the CPUs on the other boards by pass-thru from the main controller.  I send coded messages to the main ...
I have an application running on an STM32L4P5. Initially, I programmed and debugged with J-Link on the micro 9-pin SWDIO connector. All worked great, I could use J-Mem to peer into sram or flash in real time. Then I built a bootloader over USB, using...
I am working with several STM32, let's focus on the STM32L4P5.   I wrote a windows utility which does a nice job of loading code with the bootloader, per the AN3155 documentation. It is nicely robust, and I've been using it for a couple months. I wan...
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