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Resolved! STM32H7 | MPUs in dual cores

Hello @ all,I'm dealing with a project with stm32H755 MCU, as you know it is made of two cores: cortex-M7 and cortex-M4. Keeping in mind I'm using a few peripherals, among which FDCAN, SPI and most importantly lwIP/ETH, I'm trying to put together all...

Zzaaack by Associate III
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HAL_TIM_Base_Start_DMA - STM32CubeMX

Posted on September 14, 2016 at 12:27I've try to use HAL_TIM_Base_Start_DMA with TIM6.To configure the system I'm using STM32CubeMX. We I start the project I can't receive any interrupt...HELP.In Attachment the ioc file.My change after code generati...

Resolved! Maximum External Clock supported by stm32F767.

I looked at both the datasheet and Oscillators design document for stm32 controllers. Both suggested the same speed for external Osciallaotrs for stm32F7 controllers that is 4-26 MHz.BUT, in the stm32cubeMx it gives you option to select external HSE ...

CJami_0-1696839447346.png CJami_1-1696839455028.png CJami_2-1696839494005.png
CJami by Associate III
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STM32U575 change PWM output duty realtime

I tried to change PWM output duty without stopping or suspending PWM output, but between two times of writing new value to CCR, there must be a delay time inserted in. Following is the example code:/* if delay_ms(300), code can run correctly, if chan...

Using the FMC of the STM32U575 for SDRAM

Hello everyone,I am currently working with a STM32U575ZIT6 and am trying to connect as much RAM as possible to its FMC peripheral. However, SRAM and PSRAM are not available in the sizes I am looking for, so I was wondering if it would be possible to ...

PKolo.1 by Associate II
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