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Hi,I have an application where I am trying to read some pulsed inputs from an optocoupler (for isolation) which consist of pulled high inputs on the STM32 MCU, the problem is it keeps crashing when connected directly to the optocouplers randomly when...
Hi, I am trying to use DMA in my project for SPI and noticed there are 2 type definitions as below:-  SPI_HandleTypeDef hspi1; DMA_HandleTypeDef hdma_spi1_tx;  Which one do I need to use for SPI transmission as I am having problems using 'hspi1' as b...
Hi, I am struggling to get SPI and I2C to work at the same time on my project I have tried multiple things (DMA, interrupts etc...) are there any example projects that already have this implemented? I am simply trying to read an I2C sensor value and ...
Hi,I have had partial success implementing DMA with I2C as below but the only way I can receive the data "val" is by adding a HAL_Delay of 1uS and the "val" is shown as an incorrect value. Is there anyway to both do the DMA send and receive without t...
Hi,For some strange reason projects that I have made that have compiled perfectly fine previously have started showing the below makefile  error message:-c:/st/stm32cubeide_1.12.1/stm32cubeide/plugins/
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